I am showing again at The Tollbooth Gallery from April 15th to the end of August. This time the theme is Northwest weather with a “rain barometer”, quotes about northwest weather, and a video loop about the water cycle.
excerpt from The Spaceworks Website:
- The Many Words for Rain
10 APR
Taking Tacoma’s temperature: Michiko Tanaka at the Tollbooth Gallery, opening April 13.
Michiko Tanaka returns to the Tollbooth Gallery on April 13 with an interactive video installation about the weather, The Many Words for Rain. According to Tanaka, the installation at “The World’s Smallest Art Gallery” has three parts: part one features a “rain barometer” (shown above), with a movable arrow “that people can adjust to what they think the current precipitation is like.” This component of the installation will be wheatpasted on the back of the tollbooth.Part two consists of images of clouds printed with zany words about the local climate, and will also be wheatpasted onto the video gallery. “This part will also be interactive as people will be invited to add their own comments about northwest weather.” Part three is a video loop about the water cycle.
Take a stroll down to the Tollbooth Gallery for this show…it’s the one chance you’ll have to control the weather. The Many Words for Rain by Michiko Tanaka, at the Tollbooth Gallery, 11th & Broadway, April 13-August 31, 2012.
- There was a lot of feedback on this piece after 4 months of being up (50% being profanity), here are the gems: