My piece “Torture Chair” was chosen for the “Not for Sale” show at FICTILIS
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- A live, virtual shoot-out with the world’s 150 most successful living artists inside landscapes modeled after actual galleries and museums. Homemade handheld flamethrowers modeled after toy guns. An assemblage of copper wire, insulators, and electric fence, not to be touched by persons with pacemakers. A cell-phone-killing machine. A chair that tortures you with corporate niceties. A forced mad-lib confession based on Orwell’s 1984. Jesus embodied by twenty famous actors. A suggestion of Charlton Heston. Paul Amlehn’s “Tears of Eros” text treatment. Peeping Tom watched with eye-tracking software. Tubes of stolen paint. Haikus on toast. Hundreds of hand-stitched paper pillows made from the architectural drawings of a non-architect. Taxidermy from remnants of an orphaned pet. Memories of a deceased son and a Thai prince killed in a tsunami. A dark family story involving bacon. A lost contact. A device that shreds your dreams. Unnumbered editions placed at random across the city.
– from the 2011 Not For Sale show description